Subsistence Farming

One of my brother’s current projects is reading of the journals of our Uncle Emory Oyler and summarizing information from them. Emory began to keep a daily journal in 1901 when he went to work for the Cumberland Valley Railroad, a practice he continued until his death in 1960. In addition to being an interesting record of his life, the journals present a fascinating picture of the life of my Oyler ancestors twelve decades ago. My father was born to Adam Douglas Oyler and his wife Annie Malinda Smith Oyler on December 16, 1891. He was the youngest of six…

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The Pittsburgh Board Speedway

Our Book Club has been reading “Faster” by Neal Bascomb this month. It is an interesting non-fiction work dealing with the development of motorsports in Europe in the early twentieth century, culminating with the 1938 Pau Grand Prix race in which a French team led by heiress Lucy Schell upset the dominant German combine of Daimler-Benz and Auto Union in a heavily nationalistic environment. Driving a Delahaye 145 for the team was Rene Dreyfus, a major victim of the anti-Semitism prevalent at the time. Most of the book takes place in France, Germany, and Italy, with one foray across the…

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Christmas Music

For several decades my Saturday evenings have been dedicated to listening to “Saturday Night Swing Session”, on WQLN, Erie. The current host, Phil Atteberry, and I have developed an enjoyable friendship, via email. I enjoyed his Christmas program immensely and began to wonder what I would select if I had the opportunity to host a one hour show of my own. The results of my pondering is this week’s column. My wife always opened the Christmas season by listening to “The Messiah” on a set of scratchy records by Sir Malcom Sargent and the Huddlesfield Chorale that she had when…

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Christmas Letter

I hope you folks have all been able to survive this very difficult year. I wish I could greet each of you in person; second best is for me to cobble together an old-fashioned Christmas letter.   I have been quarantined since mid-March except for a few forays into the outside world. Beth does my grocery shopping and odd chores; once a week I drive over to their house for dinner with her, Mike, and Rachael. We rented a house at Chautauqua in July and moved our cohort there for a week. Despite the pandemic,there were still sufficient amenities available…

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Lou Cimarolli

The recent passing of Lou Cimarolli has brought back memories of Bridgeville’s glory days in high school football, over seven decades ago. In the 1940s Bridgeville still had its own high school, and the cultural tie between the school and the community was powerful. Pride in the high school was closely linked to pride in our home town. High school rivalries were also community rivalries. The three-way rivalry between Bridgeville, Carnegie, and Clark (Scott Township) was particularly passionate in the Universal Cyclops Steel mill where fans of all three teams worked. Its focus was the wall of on a furnace…

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The World Will Never Be the Same Again

Our current situation with its off-and-on lockdowns and quarantines has certainly produced a vast collection of changes to the way we do things. A common belief among most of us is the old saying “The world will never be the same again”. There is considerable discussion about the long-range consequences of this experience we are all undergoing. We have learned to appreciate the contributions of the health care professionals and folks in the service industries, much as we did with first responders after 9/11. I am sure we all have gained a deeper appreciation of the blessings of friends and…

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Flood Control and Baldwin Street

I was particularly interested in the October meeting of the Bridgeville Planning Commission as recorded on the website, and continue to be impressed with the power this medium has for connecting the general public with the workings of local government. The combination of clear, easy-to-read slides and individual microphones for each participant provides the viewer with an excellent capability of observing the meeting as if he/she were there in person. This specific meeting dealt with mitigation of flooding in McLaughlin Run and elimination of the devastation it has caused to the Baldwin Street neighborhood. Mr. John Heyl, representing the borough’s engineering…

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Senior Design

I easily become discouraged these days; 2020 will be remembered for Covid-19 and a monumentally adversarial Presidential election, both of which make us wonder if we will ever return to better times. Fortunately for me I have just had an experience that gives me great confidence for the future – the completion of this year’s Senior Design Projects program. I have been involved in this program of the University of Pittsburgh Civil and Environmental Engineering Department for two and a half decades and watched it evolve into an impressive capstone to our students’ academic careers. They are required to participate…

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The Salem Witch Trials

The Bridgeville Area Historical Society celebrated the Halloween season by welcoming back one of its favorite guests, Todd DePastino. His subject, the infamous Salem Witch Trials, was perfect for the occasion. Although my quarantine prevented me from attending in person, it was filmed by Tim McNellie and is available on the “” website. In February, 1692, two young girls, nine year old Betsy Parris and her eleven year old cousin Abigail Williams, suddenly began to have fits and to exhibit behavior that alarmed their parents. Betsy’s father, Samuel Parris was the minister of Salem Village, a small settlement adjacent to…

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My Fellow Antiques

When Elizabeth and I emptied out my office at Pitt, I realized that I needed a proper desk here. Although there already is a desk on the side porch, another one on the third floor, and two slant top bureau writing desks in my bedroom, I really wanted something convenient in my living room.  Subconsciously I had converted my dining room table into a desk, with none of the necessary conveniences. The best spot for a desk was against the rear window, between a pair of built-in bookcases, a spot then occupied by a fine Eastlake love seat that my…

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