- C.P. Mayer. Bridgeville businessman and airfield owner C.P. Mayer posing with one of the airplanes on his field.
- Memorial Day Parade. The Annual Bridgeville Memorial Day Parade in 1976, winding down Washington Avenue.
- Frank Myers. A group of young men posing for a picture in 1929. Among them is Frank Myers.
- Indian Horn and Drum Corps. The men and women of Skip Batch's Indian Horn and Drum Corps, in full regalia, circa 1948-1950. Performers were required to make their own uniforms and headgear. Top Row: Skip Batch (#7) and the Batch twins (#9 and #10); Front Row: Phyllis Dellenbaugh (#3), Esther Pruner (#5), Joan Batch (#6) and Jean Abood (#7)
- Leo Leech and his 1915 Hot Mill Roller. The first aeroplane in the Bridgeville District, a Curtis Right Pusher, was owned by Leo Leech in 1915.
- Korean Prisoner of War Welcomed Home. Kaufmann's Bar was the scene of a racous party in honor of a returning Korean POW in October of 1953. Front row: Bill Hanfey, Dan Zampini, James Boyce, Bill Donovan, James Donovan, Ray Donovan, Larry Donovan and Bill McCaffrey. Back row: Tony Cancelmi, Jimmy Boyce, Bert Quinn, Chuck Degrosky, Steve Smelko, Joe Zampini, Bob Critchlow, Chuck McCaffrey, Art Harter and Ed Ritenour.
- Bridgeville Cub Scouts. A group of Bridgeville Area Cub Scouts after a meeting in 1989.
- Veterans Bowling League. Date and individuals unidentified.
- Civil War Veterans. The (then) surviving Civil War Veterans of Bridgeville in 1951: Andy Rankin, Davy Bowers, William (or possibly John) Warrensford and David Crum.
- Young at Heart Band. The Young at Heart Band, part of the Bridgeville Area Committee for Older Adults, performing in May of 1987. Featuring Art Partee on piano, Ted Evangilista on guiltar, Matt Oliner on accordian, Mich White on saxaphone, Joe Speigel on saxaphone, Stan Urbanc on guitar and Harold Phillips on drums.
- John C. Freemont Franks. The second station agent of the Railroad Street Rail Station was John C. Freemont Franks, a workaholic who thought the trains couldn't operate if he was not at the station. Saturday, October 16, 1915, at 8 PM, he was the victim of an armed robbery and lost his life. The culprits, though allegedly known by several townspeople, were never apprehended. His funeral marks the only day ALL of the businesses of Bridgeville closed up shop in an act of remembrance.
- Bridgeville American Legion. Members of the Bridgeville American Legion, Post 54, with Mayor Don Dolde, during their 90th Birthday Celebration. Photo taken September 2011 and donated by Jerry Shepos
- Bridgeville Area Meals on Wheels. Ruth Doyle explaining to local students about the Bridgeville Area Meals on Wheels program. The photo was taken on December 23, 1987.
- The Hungry Club. The enigmatic Hungry Club enjoys a game of Duckpins Bowling, circa 1960. Standing as score-keeper is Jack Gardner; seated next to him is Nelson "Pokey" Rothermund, two unknown gentlemen, Sam Camp and Pete Strasser. The four men standing at the back, from left to right, are Henry Bernabei, an unknown man, Ronnie Cellone and Ed Pelino. Contrary to popular belief, the group's members were not all from Hungary--rather, they were simply a group of men who met to have dinner and then go bowling.
- Bridgeville Day on the Avenue, 6-16-2007. Jean Rowley; Dee Palumbo; Dianne Franjione.
- Boy Scouts. Local area boy scouts in parading in front of John Wight School on Gregg Avenue in 1975.
- Pat True. Pat True, of Bridgeville, posing on McLaughlin Run Road, on the wall above the creek. Photo taken in 1943.
- Old Country School. Donor Dana Spriggs.
- World War I Veterans. A group of World War I veterans preparing for a Memorial Day service. Photo dated May 30, 1924.
- W.F. Russell Funeral Directors. Frank Russell, Jr. taking a 1910 Buick out for a spin in front of the W.F. Russell Funeral Home office on Washington Avenue. The building pictured was once the home of E. and A. Motors and is now where PRO Martial Arts is located. Image donated by Martha Mussetter, great, great granddaughter of W. F. Russell.
- The Bridgeville Womens Club. The Bridgeville Womens Club, on Dewey Avenue, was a gathering place for local area women and held many special events over the years. Pictured are: Mrs. Papanek (first on left), Mrs. May Thomas (#4), Toni Guiliani (#5), Haley Gates (#6) and Carrie Weise (#7).
- Rankin Theater. John Chabala had been the film operator of the Rankin Theater for many years when this picture was taken in 1941. All told, he showed thousands of films in his 49 years of service. Photo donated by Ed Chabala.
- Elm Street Snowman. Local residents gathered together to make one of the borough's tallest snowmen in 1979.
- Bridgeville Borough Employees. Borough employees collecting trash in 1951
- Jack's Supper Club. Members of Jack's Supper Club in September of 1947.
- Dr. McGarvey. Dr. Samuel McGarvey, driving his horse-drawn trap, while Howard Wilcox looks on. At the time, Station Street was still unpaved.
- Brigeville Borough School Guards. The Bridgeville Borough school crossing guards, with the Police Department clerk, in 1976. In the back fow are August Bohey, John Gardner and William Vosel. In the front row are Mary Guidos, Margaret Martincic (the clerk) and Lillian Fiorentini. Not pictured is Helen Omasta, another school guard.
- Bridgeville Boy Scouts. The boy scouts of the Bridgeville pack, posing for a picture in 1945. Top row: Eddie Croft, Lawrence C., Pete M., Howard Collins, Harry Stinger, Bob Harris, Ben Rupnick, O. Donaldson, Bruce Curonan, Ed Weise, Leonard Durbin, Jack Oyler, Bow Rankin, Louie Volle, Jerry Bonnett, John M., Wanger, The Person Who Owned The Picture But Didn't Name Himself, Reno M. and Mazza. Bottom row: Donald Land, Jimmy Sigman, Buzzy Fryer, Russell Kurtz, Don Brown, Amos Jones, Philip Walsh, Don Hopper, John Der and Robert Milligan.
- Mary Murray Fitzsimmons. A photograph of bride Mary Murray Fitzsimmons on the occassion of her wedding.
- The Volle Family, 1915. From left to right - Louis Volle, Leon Volle Sr., Leon Volle, Jr., Leona Volle D'Andrea, Marie Teyssier Volle, Leon Fialon (nephew), Mary Volle Mouret. Donated by Dana Spriggs.
- Bridgeville Borough Police Department. The Bridgeville Borough Police Department, in 1950. Top row: Tom Griffin, Geroge Wolf, "Burgess" Mayor McMillen, Chief Kid Meyers, Captain Ed Wolf; Bottom row: Art Shivers, Bill Flood and Antenore Villani
- Bridgeville's Civil War Veterans, circa 1951. Bridgeville's surviving Civil War Veterans.
- Mary Weise. Bridgeville Councilwoman and current Bridgeville Historical Society President Mary Weise giving an address at Melrose Cemetery following the Memorial Day Parade in. Photo circa 2000.
- Kathleen Banks. Kathleen Banks is the woman for whom the Bridgeville History Center is named in honor of.
- Boy Scouts. Bridgeville Area Boy Scouts on parade during Bidgeville's annual Memorial Day Parade, 1989.
Bridgeville Street Signs
We received a LOT of interest in the old Bridgeville street signs that we’re selling for $25–so much interest that the signs are selling as soon as they arrive!If you are still interested in owning your own piece of Bridgeville history, please send us an email with the street sign you want and we’ll add you to the list. All inquiries should go to: mail@bridgevillehistory.org. Thank you for your continued support!
Upcoming Programs
At the Chartiers Room,
Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Department,
Commercial Street__
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 – 7:30PM
The Story of the 29th Division, the Stonewallers at Omaha Beach and the Battle for Normandy
Presented by Glenn Flickinger__
is located in the
Kathleen Banks Building:441 Station Street
PO Box 652
Bridgeville, PA 15017-0652
__Phone: 412-221-4052
Email: mail@bridgevillehistory.org
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10 AM – 2 PM
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